Data analysis


  • first, we want to do some preprocessing with the eeg data, means filtering, bad channel handling (interpolation or not (?)) and artifact correction

  • afterwards, we want to do some statistical analyses with e. g. panda (python based)

  • goal could be to find some significant differences in eeg signals between schizophrenia patients and healthy controls


A general overview about the analysis steps. For a closer look, please look at our codes.

  • Preprocessing

    • imported modules:

      • numpy

      • mne

      • os

    • set directory to data folder to load the .edf files

    • check up the raw data

    • creating a template for excluding eye artifacts

    • build up ICA (seven components, save these files as .fif files)

  • Frequency-Band Analysis

    • import mne and numpy module

    • load average for each frequency activation for every person and define minimum/ maximum power frame

    • load all filtered and preprocessed eeg/ .fif files for every person

    • define the files referring to one of the two groups (schizophrenic and healthy persons)

    • create epochs

    • averaging the activity to do some statistics

    • plot topomaps for all frequencies for the two groups

  • statistics

    • import seaborn, pandas and matplotlib

    • detect which electrodes might be of critical interest in comparison between healthies and schizophrenics for each frequency activation

    • define critical electrodes for each frequency acitvation

    • load and show swarm and box plots for average activation for healthies and schizophrenics

    • import scipy

    • do independent t-test for the two variables to find out if there is a significant difference