
Alex’ lab notebook

week 1 (10.5. - 17.5.)

GitHub and GitKraken:

- created github repository “LASERPIN”

- updated file

- updated

- updated data*.md

- updated labnotebook

- created a timeline on GitKraken

Search for raw EEG data:

- it has turned out to be quite difficult to find suitable raw EEG data of schizophrenia patients for our purposes

week 2 (17.5. - 24.5.)


- try to fix Docker and to get familiar with on my system

Literature and data:

- try to find well suiting articles about our topic and to contact the responsible researchers to get raw data from them

week 3 (24.5. - 31.5.)

Jupyter Notebook:

- got familiar with Jupyter Notebook

- checked how to open standard .ipynb files in my JN

- checked how to create a new file with Python Code

week 4 (31.5. - 7.6.)

New messages regarding data:

- the first of June I received a message from Elzbieta Olejarczyk from Poland

- she said that their data is in .edf format which might be useful for us

- this data set includes eeg signals from 14 patients with paranoid schizophrenia and 14 healthy controls

- this is the article which probably belongs to this eeg measurement:


Practice with Jupyter Notebook and Python:

- programmed a calculator with Python code in my jupyter notebook in collaboration with Anna

- uploaded it here in our repo under the file name Calc.ipynb

week 5 (7.6. - 14.6.)

MNE and reading EEG data:

- got familiar with the program MNE as integrated tool for EEG data (.edf files) in Jupyter Notebook

- did first programing steps with MNE to have a first closer sight on our 28 .edf files (14 with Schizophrenia, 14 healthy ones/ s01-s14; h01-h14)

- data includes a resting measurement for every person with closed eyes (about 15 mins) with 19 eeg channels/ data points

week 6 (14.6. - 21.6.)

Filtering data/ single Preprocessing (with José):

- created a bandpass filter with lowest frequency at 0.5 hz and highest frequency at 45.0 hz

- created eog and ecg epochs to define interfering components in the eeg signal

- tried to create first steps for the independent component analysis (ICA)

week 7 (21.6. - 28.6.)

ICA/ complete Preprocessing (with José):

- loaded data into our jupyter notebook and created a for-loop to preprocess all data

- decided to take Fp1 and Fp2 of s01 as examples for eye artifacts and to use it for filtering these out for every other person

- applied ICA (fastica) for all persons but it didn’t work out well for each of them:

- was faulty for s02, s06, s07, s11, s12, s14, h06, h07, h10, h11 and h14

week 8 (28.6. - 5.7.)

refining ICA (with José):

- decided to refine the first ICA of the data and to create an own template for filtering out eye artifacts

- worked out better with this refined version of the ica, data looked even better; some rare single channels with conspicuously bad signal had to be taken out manually

- persons with still a problematic components which couldn’t filtered out:

- s06, s09, h04, h11, h12

week 9 (5.7. - 12.7.)

creating epochs and bands (with José):

- setting up fixed epochs length (2 seconds)

- averageing the activation for each person and each frequency

- averageing the activation for each group and each frequency

week 10 (12.7. - 19.7.)

frequency-band analysis (with José):

- detecting and defining critical electrodes for the comparison between healthy ones and schizophrenics

- observing strongest differences in delta and gamma frequency bands

- independent t-test for some critical electrodes in these bands

- they seem to have a tendence to significance

week 11 (19.7. - 26.7.)

analysing results of frequency-band analysis

- compare our results with those we found in the literature:

- Bates et al. (2009)

- Mulert et al. (2010)

- Light et al. (2006)

- Moran et al. (2011)

- Lisman (2012)

- Basar-Eroglu et al. (2007)

- Kirihara et al. (2012)

- Hanslamyr et al. (2013)

- Uhlhaas & Singer (2010)

- which of our prior hypotheses can be confirmed and which ones can be rejected (?)

- which results do we want to present and how (?)

week 12 (26.7. - 2.8.)

first poster draft (with LibreOffice Impress 7.0)

- structuring our results

- what exactly is our theoretical background and where could our results be placed in there (?)

- what should we put on our poster (?)

week 13 (2.8. - 9.8.)

finalysing poster, osf preregistration and Github page/ public website of REST_OF_BASH via Github

- with Microsoft Powerpoint 2016

week 14 (9.8. - 11.8.)

the finishing touches and preparing poster presentation

- with Microsoft Powerpoint 2016