Annas lab notebook

week 1 (03.05.-09.05.)

literature search:


  • terms: EEG AND schizophrenia; EEG AND schizophrenia AND language; EEG AND schizophrenia AND N400

  • naming the project

week 2 (10.05. -16.05.)

week 3 (17.05. -23.05.)

  • writing again an email to Ilvana -> Ilvana told me, that she is in contact with the IT to solve the downloading problem

  • writing an e-mail to Daniel Hermens -> „BMRI Electroencephalography (EEG) clinical research data“ from the University of Sydney -> still waiting for an answer

  • trying out commands on docker and conda

week 4 (24.05. -30.05.)

  • trying out commands on jupyter but actually it only works on binder

week 5 (31.05. -06.06.)

  • talk with Alex about the answer from Elzbieta Olejarczyk

  • have a look on the paper and the eeg data from the study:

  • now my jupyter notebook works with my PC and my command system

  • programmed a calculator with Python code in Alex’ jupyter notebook in cooperation with Alex

  • after that I programmed my own calculator

week 6 (07.06. -13.06.)

week 7 (14.06. -20.06.)

  • updating github repository

  • creating eog and ecg epochs to evaluate interfering components in the eeg signal

  • first steps for the ICA (independent component analysis)

week 8 (21.06. -27.06.)

  • meeting with José to solve problems with the preprocessing

  • completion of the preprocessing for one subject

  • creation of a loop on the jupyter notebook to preprocess all subjects

    • take Fp1 and Fp2 as reference for eye artifacts

    • ICA did not work for every subject: s02, s06, s07, s11, s12, h06, h07, h10, h11, h14

week 9 (28.06. -04.07.)

  • update “_toc.yml” on github

  • meeting with José

  • completion of preprocessing by creating an own template for filtering eye artifacts in the eeg signal

  • control the ICA for all subjects

    • it worked better than our first ICA

    • some artifacts could not be filtered: s06, s09, h04, h11

    • in one subject it could not be detected a component: s12

week 10 (05.07. -11.07.)

  • we decide to make a frequency band analysis for our eeg data because of the missing of stimulus events

  • doing the epochs analysis for all subject and plotting the results

    • adaptation of the scales for the different frequencies

  • averaging the data separately for the frequencies (delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma)

    • averaging the activation for each person

    • averaging the activation for the two groups

week 11 (12.07. -18.07.)

  • plotting the averages for all frequencies and the two groups and making a short presentation about the results

  • discuss the results with Alex

  • looking for prospective statistic analysis

  • literature research because of the new aim of our project:

    • frequency-band analysis

      • detecting and defining critical electrodes to compare schizophrenic patients with healthy persons

      • observing greater differences in delta and gamma oscillations

      • independent t-test for critical electrodes

  • creation of “code”-folder on github

week 12 (19.07. -25.07.)

  • read some paper about the activity of the different frequencies in schizophrenia compared to healthy controls

    • Bates et al. (2009)

    • Mulert et al. (2010)

    • Light et al. (2006)

    • Moran et al. (2011)

    • Lisman (2012)

    • Basar-Eroglu et al. (2007)

    • Kirihara et al. (2012)

    • Hanslamyr et al. (2013)

    • Uhlhaas & Singer (2010)

  • comparing our results to these in the literature

  • which hypotheses we can confirm and which ones we must reject

week 13 (26.07. -01.08.)

  • on holiday

week 14 (01.08. -08.08.)

  • creation and designing the poster for the symposium

  • osf preregistration

week 15 (09.08. -12.08.)

  • updating GitHub documents

  • creating website of our GitHub reposatory

  • building up a presentation and our poster presentation

  • symposium