Annas lab notebook¶
week 1 (03.05.-09.05.)¶
literature search:
terms: EEG AND schizophrenia; EEG AND schizophrenia AND language; EEG AND schizophrenia AND N400
naming the project
week 2 (10.05. -16.05.)¶
created github repository “LASERPIN”
updated file
updated labnotebook
updated data*.md
created a timeline on GitKraken
search for raw EEG data
writing mails to different people to ask for their EEG data
Melissa Larsen and Ilvana Dzafic for the raw data of the Monash Study
Shupin Tan (
week 3 (17.05. -23.05.)¶
writing again an email to Ilvana -> Ilvana told me, that she is in contact with the IT to solve the downloading problem
writing an e-mail to Daniel Hermens -> „BMRI Electroencephalography (EEG) clinical research data“ from the University of Sydney -> still waiting for an answer
trying out commands on docker and conda
week 4 (24.05. -30.05.)¶
trying out commands on jupyter but actually it only works on binder
week 5 (31.05. -06.06.)¶
talk with Alex about the answer from Elzbieta Olejarczyk
have a look on the paper and the eeg data from the study:
now my jupyter notebook works with my PC and my command system
programmed a calculator with Python code in Alex’ jupyter notebook in cooperation with Alex
after that I programmed my own calculator
week 6 (07.06. -13.06.)¶
downloaded the EEG data files from
updated data*.md
read the related publication to the EEG data files: Olejarczyk E, Jernajczyk W (2017) Graph-based analysis of brain connectivity in schizophrenia. PLoS ONE 12(11): e0188629.
meeting with José to talk about the first steps of preprocessing
creating a jupyter notebook for preprocessing -> first steps on preprocessing to get a first look on the data (28 .edf files)
get to know MNE as a tool for EEG data
week 7 (14.06. -20.06.)¶
updating github repository
creating eog and ecg epochs to evaluate interfering components in the eeg signal
first steps for the ICA (independent component analysis)
week 8 (21.06. -27.06.)¶
meeting with José to solve problems with the preprocessing
completion of the preprocessing for one subject
creation of a loop on the jupyter notebook to preprocess all subjects
take Fp1 and Fp2 as reference for eye artifacts
ICA did not work for every subject: s02, s06, s07, s11, s12, h06, h07, h10, h11, h14
week 9 (28.06. -04.07.)¶
update “_toc.yml” on github
meeting with José
completion of preprocessing by creating an own template for filtering eye artifacts in the eeg signal
control the ICA for all subjects
it worked better than our first ICA
some artifacts could not be filtered: s06, s09, h04, h11
in one subject it could not be detected a component: s12
week 10 (05.07. -11.07.)¶
we decide to make a frequency band analysis for our eeg data because of the missing of stimulus events
doing the epochs analysis for all subject and plotting the results
adaptation of the scales for the different frequencies
averaging the data separately for the frequencies (delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma)
averaging the activation for each person
averaging the activation for the two groups
week 11 (12.07. -18.07.)¶
plotting the averages for all frequencies and the two groups and making a short presentation about the results
discuss the results with Alex
looking for prospective statistic analysis
literature research because of the new aim of our project:
frequency-band analysis
detecting and defining critical electrodes to compare schizophrenic patients with healthy persons
observing greater differences in delta and gamma oscillations
independent t-test for critical electrodes
creation of “code”-folder on github
week 12 (19.07. -25.07.)¶
read some paper about the activity of the different frequencies in schizophrenia compared to healthy controls
Bates et al. (2009)
Mulert et al. (2010)
Light et al. (2006)
Moran et al. (2011)
Lisman (2012)
Basar-Eroglu et al. (2007)
Kirihara et al. (2012)
Hanslamyr et al. (2013)
Uhlhaas & Singer (2010)
comparing our results to these in the literature
which hypotheses we can confirm and which ones we must reject
week 13 (26.07. -01.08.)¶
on holiday
week 14 (01.08. -08.08.)¶
creation and designing the poster for the symposium
osf preregistration
week 15 (09.08. -12.08.)¶
updating GitHub documents
creating website of our GitHub reposatory
building up a presentation and our poster presentation